Fabulous 1st Grade!
Ms. Lopez's Class
New LA 2017-2018
Please send your child will a healthy snack everyday. Morning recess is the only opportunity for students to have a snack before lunch and they will be hungry at this point in the day! It will also re-energize them for classroom time!
Homework (Home-School Connection)
New LA does not provide mandatory homework. However, I will be sending home reading logs on a bi-monthly basis and I do require that your child be reading at home every night for at least 20 minutes. Please do not fill in the reading log for your child, they should be filling it in on their own. As a first grader, I would like them to take pride in their reading and also be accountable for taking initiative to read everyday. I will also be sending home sight word booklets that include grade-level words. Your child should practice the words daily and be able to read the words quickly. This will support their reading progress.
Weekly Special Classes
Monday, Thursday, Friday: P.E.
Tuesday: Art with Ms. Winton and Health with Coach Wednesday: Computer Coding
Thursday: Music Class
White Folders
Communication Folders will be sent home with your child everyday. Please have your child return with the folders the next day with any forms that are asked to be signed/returned. Check folders EVERY DAY!
Remind 101
I will be sending reminders to parents through Remind 101 during the year. The reminders will be sent to your cell phone as a text message and are a great way for me to remind you about activities, spirit days, and other events in our classroom. I will also be sending a link monthly so you can quickly access the classroom newsletter and photos from the month.
Bi-Monthly Folder Checks (EMAD)
In order to keep you closely connected to your child’s progress, this work folder will be sent home on the second and last Friday of every month. Please review the classwork your child has completed and the EMAD scores they earned. You should review their work with them and discuss their EMAD score. Sign the attached paper and return the folder empty with the signature sheet inside to school the following Monday. If you have any questions or comments about your child’s work, feel free to make a note on the signature sheet.